Thursday, 19 December 2024

The Despair before Christmas



It was wet, cold and miserable - not unexpected for late December.  Just the kind of day you didn’t want to spend at a cemetery.

 ‘Jane! Jane!’ he thought. ‘Why did you have to leave me?  The sickness came on so suddenly.  We only had a few months to deal with it, and now you’re gone.  36 years we had each other.  What am I to do now?  How will I go on living?  Oh Jane!  I loved you so.’

 The man looked at the others gathered around the grave site.  There weren’t many who had come from the church to brave the weather for the internment. He focused on a handsome couple in their early thirties standing near him.

 ‘John, my son.  Where did I go wrong?  I should be very proud of your success.  You and Kirsten have made yourselves a very good life, wealth-wise, but at what cost.  When you were growing up you had such wonderful ideas . . . to save the world . . . to help people.  But when you went to university, all that changed.  You wanted success as you saw it.  Money, power . . . and apparently the two of you have got it.  Now even a family is out of the question since it might get in the way of the “plan”, whatever that is.  Maybe if we lived closer, I could have helped you have more fun as we used to do when you were young.  As it is you are a dull person to be around.  All the pair of you can talk about is how well you are doing and what you’re going to spend your money on.  What will it be next?  A bigger house?  Another car?  More investments?  Why can’t you spend some to enjoy yourselves?  How about a boat or a cabin?  I still love you John, but you’re no fun to be around anymore.’

 The man’s attention returned to the committal service which seemed to be going on forever.  He listened to the minister intone yet another prayer.  ‘Jane doesn’t need prayers anymore, she needs peace.  I need prayers . . . prayers about how I’m going to go on . . . how I’m going to survive.’

 His gaze shifted to an attractive young woman across the casket from him.  She was very solemn and looked like she wanted to cry, but was being very stoic, not allowing herself the release. The man’s thoughts went to her.

 ‘Janet, my beautiful daughter.  Why don’t you let yourself go and cry?  I know you will later when nobody can see you.  You don’t always have to hide your emotions from the world.  I’m the man . . . I’m the one not supposed to show emotion, not you.  But look at me.  I’m crying . . . probably as much for myself as for your mother.  You were the one who wanted to set the world on fire.  Instead, you’ve made a very happy marriage and given us . . . me . . . two beautiful grandchildren.  I guess I have to start thinking “me” and not “us” now.  It’ll be hard.  For so many years we were “us”.  Janet . . . little Jane . . . maybe we should have spelled it “Janette” in the French manner.  You seem to have made a good life for yourself.  Frank takes good care of you and although you’re not rich, and probably won’t ever be, I’ll bet you’re a lot happier than your brother in the end.  I would love to have had Frank and the kids here, but you wisely said “No”.  It would be hard on them to see their favourite grandma buried. So, Frank stayed home to look after them, and you have no one to comfort you.’

 The man’s attention went back to the service as they started to lower the casket into the ground.  He wanted to scream, “NO!  You can’t take her!  I need her!  It’s not fair!”  But he just stood there, numb, cold and damp as his beloved Jane disappeared into the dark, wet hole in the ground.  The last earthly remains of Jane Semple MacLeod née Sunderland, wife of JJ ‘Jack’ MacLeod.  He would never see her again. Never be able to talk to her again.  To sit quietly with her.  To make love to her.

 After the last words were spoken by the minister, everyone started to leave quickly.  It was too miserable for idle chatter at the grave site.  However, two women did come over to the man.  Marilyn Draper and Ginette Joyal.  Jane’s two best friends.  They said that anything they could do for the man, he only had to ask.  They would be there for him.  But he knew that they would drift away soon without the presence of Jane to keep them together.  He might see Marilyn when he played golf with her husband, Steve.  He and Steve usually played golf about once a month over the summer, and he might get an invitation back to their place for a beer and maybe a meal.  But not Ginette.  Ginette was divorced and, on the look-out for a younger man to try and revive her love life.  He was sure he wouldn’t see her again.

 ‘Those three were inseparable.  They had their coffee party every Monday, particularly after Marilyn and Jane quit working.  Ginette could take that day off after a busy weekend selling real estate. Should he get her to sell the house?  They also went to the movies every week . . . to all the chick flicks.  The ones they knew us mere men would not appreciate.  And of course, there were the suppers.  Every month like clockwork, rotating between their house and Marilyn and Steve’s.  Ginette didn’t entertain after her divorce, but sometimes she brought her latest.  Some real winners in that crowd.  The friendship had been good for Jane.  You were true friends . . . up until Jane became ill.  You visited her frequently at first.  But as she got worse you couldn’t stand it.  It was so hard to see your best friend sinking away . . . knowing you were going to lose her soon.  How do you think I felt?  I had to stay.  I had to watch her sink every day.  Some friends you turned out to be.  Maybe I won’t see you in the summer.’

 John came over to his father.  “Come on Dad, let’s go and get something to eat.”  ‘Eat!  I don’t think I could ever eat again.  But I’ll go.  At least I can spend the rest of the day with them and have company.  Tomorrow they’ll be off home.  Why couldn’t they have stayed here where they grew up?  But no!  John had to make his fortune on the west coast “where the action is, Dad”.  And Janet had to marry a guy who got himself transferred to a strange city halfway between us and her brother.  So, what will I do after tomorrow?’

 Strangely enough, he did get an invitation to dinner with Marilyn and Steve a few of weeks after the funeral.  The meal went well enough until the talking started afterwards.  Then the discussion turned to what was to become for the man.  “What are you going to do now Jack?” Marilyn asked.  He had no answer.  Marilyn and Steve pressed on with various suggestions which all seemed ridiculous: join an athletic club; try on-line dating; or move closer to your family.  It was far too soon for any such talk, and the idea of dating again struck Jack as ludicrous.  He could never see himself as dating or having anything meaningful to do with any other woman.  He had loved Jane too much for any such ideas.

 He did go out with Ginette once a few months after the funeral.  She invited him out to dinner.  But at the restaurant, her manner was perfunctory, and her eyes kept roaming the room.  Whether it was to look for customers or to find her next date, Jack was never sure.  There were no other invitations from either of them.  The friends just dropped away.


 Ten months it had been since the funeral.  People were starting to get ready for Christmas. Black Friday had just passed, and Christmas shopping adds were everywhere. ‘Oh God!  How can I think about Christmas?  How can I face it?’

 Janet had called last week.

 “Hi, Dad.  How are you?” 

 He mumbled something about being okay, keeping busy.

 “Are you sure you’re okay?

 “Yeah.  I keep busy and out of trouble.  I’ve got my work.  I’m thinking about getting a puppy for some company.” he answered.  But he was thinking, ‘A puppy?  Where did that come from?  How could a puppy replace Jane?  What would he do with a puppy?’

 “Look Dad, Frank and I were wondering if you were going to come here for Christmas.  It won’t be very fancy, but you’d be welcome.”

 “I don’t know.  What would I do out there?  You and Frank have your traditions and you don’t need your old, moping Dad around to darken the mood.”

 “Are you sure you’re all right.  You sound almost depressed.  Have you talked to someone about it?”

 Angrily he responded, “I’m all right!  Just leave me alone!  Your mother and I always spent Christmas at home, and I intend to do the same.”  On that note, he hung up, knowing immediately he had screwed up, but not being able to bring himself to do anything about it.

 Was he depressed?  He didn’t think so.  What did depression feel like?  He didn’t know.  He did get annoyed when people kept telling him to cheer up.  Who were they to tell him how he should feel?  He kept going, but the going seemed to get harder and harder every day.  He found himself getting very defensive about little things, and he was getting paranoid whenever anyone said anything about him.  ‘Why are you saying that?  What have you got against me?’  He kept more and more to himself, even at work.  He worked hard to keep his feelings to himself at work, to keep his emotions under control.  But on evenings and weekends he just wanted to scream . . . scream at someone or something.  He was glad that neither Jane nor anyone else was around at these times.  He would probably have bit their head off . . . or worse.

 John called a few days later. “You were pretty hard on Janet.” 

 “Yes, I know.” he mumbled, “I’. . . I’. . . I’ll call her and apologize.”

 “Kirsten and I are going to the house in Mexico for Christmas.  Do you want to join us?”

 “No, John, I still have to have snow for Christmas.  By the way, when did you get a house in Mexico?”

 “Oh, I bought it for Kirsten in September.  It was supposed to be a holiday surprise, but I couldn’t keep it a secret for long.  It’s a great place, and with satellite internet and cell phones, we can run the business from down there for a few weeks.  Can’t keep out of touch you know, or business will go down the tubes.  You don’t need snow.  The weather will be nice.  We’ll have lots of friends here over the holiday, so you would have company.”

 “John, your friends are all business associates and clients.  You spend all of your time talking deals and market news.  That’s not my kind of fun.  Besides, did you ever think of taking a bit of time for yourselves?”

 “Now, now, Dad, there’ll be time enough for that later on.”

 ‘Will there?’ he thought.  ‘And wouldn’t you just be the most fun couple to be around for Christmas.’

 “Besides,” the man said, “I’m thinking of going to a church.  I might meet some people there.”

 “That’s nice, Dad.  I hope you enjoy yourself.”  And with that the call was over.

 Jack thought about what he had just told his son.  He didn’t know what made him tell John about the church.  He figured that that was the last thing that John would want or expect to hear from his father.  There was no room for spirituality or other such frivolous things in John’s view of the world.  Oh well.  There was a long time in his own life when he thought similar things.  And with what God did to him just before last Christmas, he did not understand why he had walked into that church on that Sunday morning a few short weeks ago.  Jane and he had attended church sporadically up until Jane had become sick.  They almost never went to church two weeks in a row.  They had tried different churches wherever they lived, but none had felt welcoming or comfortable.  After that, she had not been able to go so he had stopped as well.


 The first time, it had felt funny being in a church.  But there he was.  Sitting in the back pew of a small church not far from where he lived.  He hadn’t paid too much attention to the actual service that Sunday although the music sounded nice.  He was too caught up in his own thoughts . . . why he had come. When was the last time he and Jane had been in a church . . . what did he want to get out of being here. He said a polite hello to some of the people and to the minister as he left.  Later he couldn’t even remember what denomination the church belonged to.

 The second Sunday he had gone back for some reason.  Again, he didn’t pay too much attention to the service.  But this time, he did pay attention to the people that surrounded him.  He noticed young families, older couples and a few lone souls.  A mixed bag to be sure.  However, the one thing they all seemed to have in common was a look of contentment; almost universal happiness.  The minister announced that next Sunday would mark the beginning of Advent.  The man tried to remember what that meant.  After the service, he stopped and said hello to a few more people, and actually talked to one or two of them.  The minister was very friendly and hoped the man would return.  Still, he felt lost and alone in that setting.  The atmosphere was friendly and welcoming, but the man could not get over the feeling that he was out of place . . . that he did not belong.

  ‘So, this is Advent’ he thought at the service the next Sunday progressed.  This time he paid more attention to the service and really enjoyed the music and the message. There seemed to be a lot more people at this service than previous Sundays.  When it was over, there was coffee and treats being served.  He found himself standing next to an attractive middle-aged woman who he had seen in the distance at other services.  They began to talk . . . small talk about the weather and the church service mostly.  She said her name was Karen and he gave her his.  She seemed quite nice and said that she hoped to see him next week.  Later, he felt that he had been cheating on Jane.  He should not be getting friendly with other women.  It was disloyal.  But it had been nice talking to her and it was all quite innocent.

 The next week, Karen said, “You’re becoming quite a regular here.  Why did you pick this church?”  He said that it was handy, and he had just kind of stumbled into it.  Nonetheless, he was enjoying it and particularly the services leading up to Christmas.  He was finding it a bit comforting and intended to keep coming, at least through the holiday.  She asked him if he was going to come to the pot-luck dinner the following Saturday night.  He said he wasn’t much of a cook and hadn’t been socializing much.  She persisted and said that she could bring enough for two.  After some more cajoling, he finally agreed, and they agreed to meet at the church next Saturday. 

 But again, afterward he felt that he had betrayed Jane.  He wanted to ask someone else for their opinion but didn’t know who.  The uncertainty lasted all week and made him even sadder about the upcoming event.  He was tempted to call and cancel several times, but, of course, he didn’t know her last name or her phone number.  He supposed that he could call the church and ask them, but that seemed like a lot of trouble, so he didn’t try.

 Instead, the following Saturday night found him in front of the church, looking for Karen and feeling a great deal of trepidation.  She showed up with two big pots of food and asked which one he wanted to claim as “his”.  Since he wasn’t sure what was in either one, he told her to just pick one for him.  She laughed gently and thrust one of the pots into his hands saying, “Now we better get these into the kitchen before the meal starts.”  They sat next to a couple who seemed to know Karen.  He introduced himself, and they all settled into plates full of every imaginable kind of food.  It was all good and the conversation was pleasant.

 “What do you do?” he was asked, and he told them that he was a businessman, without going into detail.  They asked where he lived, and he pointed vaguely toward his house and said, “over the other side of Arlington.”

 Karen asked him about his family.  Suddenly, he had an overwhelming need to open up and tell her about his late wife, his children and, as the night progressed, about himself.  They talked during and after the dinner, through the entertainment and on the walk home.  It turned out that Karen also lived within walking distance of the church, but in a different direction.  So, on that chilly but clear night they walked and talked right to her door.  Then he took the even longer walk home wondering what Jane would say about all this. 

 At home, he sat with a nightcap staring out the window still wondering.  And as the cognac gently warmed him, he felt at ease and easy with the new relationship.  It was as if Jane were saying, “It’s all right.  You were always faithful to me right up until the end.  But you have to continue to live for yourself.  I won’t mind.”

 He saw Karen twice more that week.  A movie one night and dinner out another.  But this wasn’t an affair in any way.  It wasn’t a romance.  It was more like a bonding of loneliness.  Each needed company and each wanted someone to talk to.  So, they opened up to each other, he more than she when he looked at in hindsight.


“What are you doing for Christmas?” asked Karen on the Sunday before the holiday. 

 “I don’t know.” he said.  ‘What am I going to do? All my bravado with John and Janet had left me at a total loss.’ he thought.  ‘Oh well, I made my bed and now I get to sleep, fitfully, in it.’  “I thought I would just spend a quiet day alone.  Last Christmas wasn’t a great experience for me, so I have mixed feelings about celebrating.  What about you?”

 “Oh, I have my Christmas ritual.” she said, “Would you like to join me?’ 

 ‘I don’t want to get wrapped up in any new ritual,’ he thought, but he said, “I don’t know, maybe.” thinking ‘Why did I say that.  Now I’m committed.’

 She looked positively thrilled by his answer.  “Good!  Can you pick me up about ten o’clock on Christmas morning?” It was a statement, not a question.  “And don’t get all dressed up.  This is a very casual affair.”

 So, Christmas morning, he got up and had a cup of coffee, assuming they would have something to eat at her house or somewhere else.  He picked Karen up at the appointed time.  She jumped into the car eagerly and they wished each other a Merry Christmas. She gave him a little kiss on the cheek, and he blushed. She then directed him to drive toward town.  When they got close to downtown, she again directed him to proceed through town to the area one would consider the other side of the tracks. ‘Where is she taking me?  Does she have some poor relations that I’m supposed to meet and entertain?’  These and other thoughts raced through his mind.  ‘What have I got myself into?  Is it too late to back out?’

 When they got on to a side street in the dingiest part of the city, she directed him into a small parking lot between two plain brick walls.  They got out of the car, he with some trepidation, and walked to an old metal door leading into the building with the highest wall.  “I hope you’re ready to work.” Karen said as he pulled open the door for her. “W…work?”  he replied in his most articulate fashion.  “We came here to work. Doing what?”  “You’ll see.” was all she said.

 As they entered the door, the smell of food and the sizzle of cooking held out some promise that maybe they would get breakfast now.  Through a narrow hallway, they entered a large room set up with rows of tables.  To the left there was a large kitchen with a long counter opening into the room.  Several people were working in the kitchen and several greeted Karen with “Merry Christmas, Karen” and “Glad to see you again”.  A couple of people wanted to know, “Who’s your friend?”  So, he was introduced to assembled group as a new worker.  He stood there dazed.

 “What would you like to do?” someone said to him, “Mash potatoes, stir the sauce or set the tables?”  He opted to work in the kitchen where Karen was already busy.  An apron was thrust his way, and he went to work thinking, ‘What is this all about?  What am I doing here?’

 After an hour or so of mashing potatoes and stirring gravy, Karen came and led him to the counter where he was placed in front of a huge bowl of mashed potatoes and given a large spoon.  “Now the fun begins” she said.  Sure enough, at noon, the front doors to the room opened and a large crowd of the most motley people he had ever seen came filing up to the counter, picked up their plates and lined up for food.  ‘My God’ he realized, ‘we’re feeding Christmas dinner to the poor.’

 And so, for the next several hours, he quickly lost track of time, he and Karen worked side by side dishing out food to hundreds of people.  And the people, who looked so down and out, came with their thanks and big smiles to be served, sometimes several times over.  And somehow the supply of food kept coming: turkeys and gravy; potatoes and peas; dressing and cranberry sauce; and pies of all kinds for dessert.  And what a bunch he was helping to feed.  There was the dishevelled man who ceremoniously blessed every one of the servers as he passed.  Then came the old woman who looked so defeated when she came in, and so lively and almost attractive when she left.  Someone came in with a guitar and started a sing-along of Christmas songs and every person joined in.  There were young men and woman and old, some couples, but mostly people came in individually.  But most left in groups.  They came in hesitantly and looking lost, but they left looking happy and with a thank you for everyone who helped them.

 Sometime after nine o’clock that evening, someone came over to Karen and Jack, and asked if they would like to eat up some of the leftovers.  When he looked around, he realized that the crowd had left, and it was only the workers who remained.  He realized that he was ravenously hungry.  He hadn’t eaten all day.  But he also realized that he was happy, deliriously happy.  ‘I haven’t felt this happy since . . . since . . . well since before Jane took sick.’  And here he was among a bunch of people who he hardly knew, and they had made other people happy. 

 Later over coffee and pie, he asked where they were and how this came about.  Karen told him that this was an old church hall and that the people he was with were volunteers who had come together over the years to hold this Christmas dinner for the poor and needy.  “Geoff over there runs a grocery store and he comes up with all the food, mostly donations from different stores.  Helen, sitting next to you, used to be one of the ones who came here for a dinner each year.  When she finally got straight and got a job, she came back every year to give thanks by helping out.”  And what about you, Karen?” he asked.  “After my husband left me, someone brought me here, just like I brought you” she said.

 When he got home after dropping Karen off with promises to get together the next day (today?) to talk about the day’s events, he sat down again with his nightcap looking out the window at the snow fall that had just started.  And he realized that this had been the best Christmas that he could ever remember.  Not once had he thought of himself today.  He had found himself smiling at the foibles of the new friends that he had served.  He hadn’t had time to brood about being alone and away from his family.  Tomorrow he would call John and Janet, tell them he hoped they had had a good Christmas, and try to explain what he had done.  Tell them about Karen, even if he did get protests of indignation over “another woman when Mom has so recently died”.

 ‘Jane.  I hope you approve.’  But somehow, he knew that she would.


© Gordon Forbes, 2019




Sunday, 8 December 2024

A Christmas Compendium


Since I started this blogging nonsense eleven years ago, I have frequently written a Christmas theme entry.  Many of you are fairly new to my writing and therefore have not read all of these masterpieces. So, to give you something to read other than your bible or Christmas cards during this time, I present links to several of these pieces.

To get you off on a happy note, here are a couple with a more humorous (I hope you agree) theme found at these links.

I think of myself as something of an amateur historian including ancient history. Therefore, three of the blogs are of a more historical nature as follows.

One blog is a hope. It may seem a forlorn hope, but I believe that even one or two steps can make a difference.

And finally, one blog is a personal one. Unfortunately, the village no longer adorns my house since it is smaller than my previous place and the trains have now also gone.

If you choose to read these pieces, you can do it find of like a countdown to Christmas, one reading very couple of days. Or you can settle back, maybe in front of a fire with a glass of wine and binge watch the entire seven offerings.

Either way, I hope that you enjoy them and that this leads to a very Merry Christmas.

A Most Influential Man


Approximately two thousand and twenty-five years ago a baby was born.  He would be named Jesus, although people have since called him Christ, The Messiah, The Saviour, the Redeemer, the Holy One or The King.  This baby must now be considered the most influential man in the history of Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, and large swaths of Africa.  His influence has directed the laws and customs of all of these places. But what about that famous birth?

In that time, old age was much younger than we are used to.  Disease, infection, and injury without modern medication meant that the average death mostly came in the 40s and even younger.  A man was middle aged when he was 25. 

It is important to remember the conditions when Jesus was born. Judea was a province of Rome and was ruled by a Roman ruler; at the time it was Herod.  However, to the Jewish people, local administration was carried out by the Jewish leaders.  There were two antagonistic groups of such leaders: The Liberals and . . . er, the Republicans and . . . er, the Pharisees and Sadducees.  They had been vying for power for over a hundred years and this caused considerable turmoil among the Jews of Judea and to the Jewish religion.  It is interesting to note that the time of Jesus’ birth, the Jewish people were a dispersed group.  As traders, emigrants, refugees, and administrators, they were prevalent in most of the known world.  It has been estimated that less than twenty-five percent of Jews actually lived in Judea. This is the world that Jesus entered.

Let’s start with his parents.  Joseph, his father, we are told was a carpenter in the town of Nazareth.  As a carpenter, he would have been a respected member of his community and well known.  His trade would have made him what we would call today, middle class.  He was neither a poor nor a rich man.  We are told that he traced his ancestry to King David.  We are also told that he was older than Mary.  Mary is described as a young virgin.  In that time, that would put her age at about thirteen to fifteen.  That was the age that people got married.  We can get some idea that she was that young by noting that thirty-three years later, when Jesus was crucified, she was still with him.  If she had been in her twenties when Jesus was born, she would have been very old and perhaps deceased; unlikely to have followed Jesus to Jerusalem. 

The well-known story of the conditions at Jesus’ birth, how he was born in a stable and slept in a manger are quite plausible. The family had travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to “be taxed”. It was actually a form of census taking. This was a Roman decree that applied to all of the Roman Empire.  This was long before the days of Holiday Inns and Best Westerns, and Expedia advanced reservations. When you travelled, you took your chances that there would be someplace where you could get a meal and a place to sleep at night.  Bethlehem was not a large town, perhaps only a few hundred people, and the places available to rest would be very limited; perhaps one or two inns.  There was no Bethlehem Hilton. But with the taxation decree forcing many people to travel to their family home, any town would have been sorely tested to accommodate everyone that needed a place to stay.  Jesus’ family were probably not the only ones that night to stay in places like stables, barns and even in the open.  Some later accounts state that the “stable” may, in fact, have been a cave, perhaps used to house animals or to store grain and animal feed.

Jesus had a mission.  He started that mission when he was about thirty years old, certainly not a young man for those times.  He became preacher or teacher (rabbi in Hebrew) in his country of Judea where he preached to his fellow Jews.  His mission seems to be to reform Judaism from the turmoil and strictures it was saddled with at that time.  Perhaps he hoped to put a more human face on the religion.  Jesus was born a Jew, and he died a Jew, condemned ironically enough by his own people.  Why?  Probably because Jesus was not the Messiah that the Jewish people wanted. They would have wanted a warrior king, like David, to rid them of the Romans and their other adversaries.  Jesus did not envision Christianity.  That was done by Paul.  Based on the fact that Jesus was Jewish, you have to wonder how so many Christians are anti-Semitic.

My Christmas Wish


Christmas tends to bring good thoughts for most people.  I do feel sorry for those who do not get enjoyment out of the season.  But for those us who do get enjoyment out of it, the season seems to bring about feelings of good cheer.  We tend to be kinder by wishing friends and strangers a happy holiday, being more charitable whether it’s contributing to a food bank or a children’s toy drive, or helping people who may need such help.  In that way it is a wondrous time of year.  But in most cases it doesn’t last.  Life gets back to ‘normal’ after the New Year. But should it be that way. 
I recently listened to a Christmas song sung by John McDermott and written by J. Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn.  The song titled “The Secret of Christmas” seemed to capture this fleeting feeling of Christmas with the following lyrics, “It’s not the things you do at Christmas time. But the Christmas things you do all year through.”  Isn’t that a wonderful thought?
Suppose most of us could and would exhibit the kind of things that only seem to come out at Christmas time for all of the rest of the year.  Suppose we continued to greet people with a friendly word including strangers, those who serve us in stores and restaurants, those who we encounter each day, and our neighbours.  Suppose we were as charitable throughout the year by giving money or our time to worthy causes or people.  Suppose we helped others on a regular basis and were thankful for those who helped us.  Wouldn’t that make for a more comfortable society?  They say that one of the crises of our time is stress.  Doing “Christmas things” all year round would no doubt lessen things feelings of stress and anxiety. Another problem we have is loneliness.  At Christmas, we tend to socialize more and make more visits to family, friends and strangers.  Think how much the lonely would appreciate such visits on a more regular basis.  In addition to Christmas cards, send random cards just for the heck of it throughout the year.  It will make the recipients feel good.
At Christmas there is a habit of giving unconditionally.  Unfortunately, during the rest of the year, we expect a quid pro quo for any such giving.  Instead give unconditionally always.
So, my Christmas wish for all is do Christmas things you do all year through.” 


‘Tis the Season to be . . . Shopping


I was at the mall the other day.  It was a Saturday and the mall was busier than normal.  The Christmas shopping season must really be underway.  Some stores were very busy and others not so yet.  I was in my favourite jewelry store, for a minor watch repair, and it wasn’t busy at all.  The owner said that men were his main customers at this time of year and they tended to shop later.  After all, it was only December 1st.

First man, “Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?”

Second man, “Why?  Is it Christmas Eve already?”

Of course, who knows when Christmas shopping is supposed to start.  Some say in September.  Others say right after Thanksgiving.  Others say Christmas Eve.

First woman, “I’m so confused!”

Second woman, “Why?”

First woman, “I don’t know at which sale to do my Christmas shopping; post-Halloween, pre-Black Friday, Black Friday, post-Black Friday, Cyber Monday, post-Cyber Monday, extended Black Friday, pre-Christmas, Christmas, Boxing Day, post-Boxing day, extended Boxing Day, or early January.”

It seems a sad commentary that the only measure of “success” of Christmas is whether or not retailers made enough money this year.  Why can’t there be other measures like how many happy family get-togethers there were, how many strangers were greeted by someone wishing them the best of the season or how many store clerks were made to feel special for the service they gave.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone said Merry Christmas and really meant it?  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if there really was peace on earth?  Make a stranger feel happy this season and see how good it makes you feel.  And please don’t forget or ignore people of other beliefs who have holy days at this time of year. 

On that note, I sincerely wish everyone a very happy season, and may your shopping be a happy experience, no matter when you do it.  Look for me out on Christmas Eve.


One More Christmas Blog


People celebrate Christmas in a number of ways.  Some are very traditional and celebrate the same way every year.  For others, something a bit different each year is their preference.  To some, Christmas is celebrated as a very religious event, and the birth of Jesus is the central tenet of their season.  Others celebrate Christmas as a very secular event.  Most of us, I suspect, are somewhere in the middle on this.  We happily combine the secular and material side with some adherence to the religious meaning.  How it is celebrated is an individual affair for some people or, more probably, a family affair. 

As with most things, there is some controversy around Christmas, particularly its Christian history.  Some question whether there every was a man named Jesus who was an itinerant preacher.  I am convinced that there was such a man and my conviction is bolstered by a near contemporary of Him, a Jewish historical writer named Josephus who wrote about such a man.  Others question the timing of the Christmas story.  We do not have any written testimony of the actual time of year that the birth took place, just as we do not have any evidence of the time of His death on the cross.  That the dates that we now celebrate these events coincide with pagan celebrations, the winter solstice and spring awakening at Easter, are undoubtedly true, but there may have been a fairly obvious reason for this in the ancient church.  They may have been celebrated in the dark days when early Christians had to hide their faith because of persecution.  To celebrate their holy days to coincide with other events would have given them cover to remain undiscovered and therefore safe. 

There are many things about Christmas other than midnight church, Christmas dinner, family visits and exchanging gifts.  We hear the plea ‘Peace on Earth’ as part of Christmas greetings although it should be a plea all year round.  But to hear it highlighted at this time is very heartening.  In addition we almost all wish people a Merry Christmas or a Seasons Greetings, even strangers.  The feeling of fellowship that permeates this time of year shows that people really can rise to the occasion and have good feeling toward others.  It’s amazing how a smile and a “Merry Christmas” can make the most harried sales clerk feel better.  Oh that that feeling by all people could last the whole year.  But that it does, in general, happen at this time of year is something else to celebrate. 

And then there is Christmas music.  Oh, I know of the shlock that blares at you in malls and stores, but that should not detract us from the really good music at Christmas.  We have traditional Christmas carols which are best heard with a good choir like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir although I always feel that the best rendition of ‘Silent Night’ is by a solo boy soprano (admission – that used to be me when I was young).  There are also some very good popular songs and arrangements.  My favourites include Carly Simon and Willy Nelson’s duet of ‘Pretty Paper’ and Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers’ duet of ‘Once upon a Christmas’ among many more.  Of course I also like Handel’s “Messiah’.  So when the stress of Christmas gets you down, sit down for half an hour and listen to some soothing Christmas music.

So let us go forward and celebrate Christmas as we each see fit.  To my non-Christian friends, I send you Seasons Greetings.  And let’s see if we can extend the good feelings of this season all year round.

The Christmas Village


Every year, I get to place my Christmas village as part of the decorations. This village is kind of special because it is truly a family assemblage.  Most of the buildings were bought and painted by my daughter and given to me as gifts.  My wife has added many of the accompanying pieces like trees and people.  For many years it has had pride of place under the Christmas tree.  There were even years when I placed a model railroad line around it complete with a working train.  Most years that the train was part of the layout, the train would be derailed and knocked over by our dog.  And then the grandkids also thought it was a toy just for them.  The train is no longer part of the village scene.  You see all kinds of villages like mine or even more elaborate.  A lot of stores and businesses have such displays.  They all seem to have one thing in common – they all feature old fashion buildings.  You never see an ultra-modern house or glass and steel buildings. 

You might wonder why such displays are so popular at this time of year.  They all depict the past and bring memories of the past; an idealized past, no doubt, but the past nonetheless.  This is a time of year that evokes memories of the past; a nostalgic time.  We become nostalgic for a Christmas that was especially good, or Christmas when our kids were young, or a Christmas when we were kids.   We like to look back on simpler times and this tends to bring us peace at this time of year.  We look back on a time of small town life, even we who have never lived in a small town.  It’s a very comforting kind of nostalgia.  And for most of us, that nostalgic feeling is what makes Christmas such a comfort after the hustle-bustle of shopping, entertaining and cooking.

But not all of us can aspire to that kind of nostalgic and comforting Christmas.  There are people who have never had a pleasant Christmas.  There are people who are too poor to afford the food and trappings expected at Christmas.  There are those who suffer because of sickness, war or starvation, who may never experience a happy Christmas. 

Christmas Gift Ideas


“Ladies, I’ve got the perfect gift for your husband this Christmas.  Why not buy him a new deck for your home?  We’ve got a special on decks this Christmas season. ”

“But we live in northern Canada.  You can’t put up a deck in winter!”

“That’s okay because we can ship all the material you need for that new deck, and have it there by Christmas Day if you order today.”

“What good will that do?  What are we supposed to do with all that material sitting around?”

“Just think about all the fun your husband will have next summer putting up your deck.”

“Forget it!  My husband couldn’t build a house of cards.”

Have you noticed that just about every retailer has the perfect gift for someone?  And some of their gift ideas get downright ridiculous. 

“Hey Honey!  Guess what I got you for Christmas?  A new wall to wall carpet . . . black . . . shag . . . for the bathroom.  Isn’t that great?”

The airways, the newspapers and the mailboxes (community or door-to-door) are filled with ads for “the best Christmas gift ever.”  Every wife/husband/child/ mother/father-in-law/dog/cat must have one of these for Christmas.  Every retailer from big box stores to mall aisle vendors has a Christmas gift idea for you.

“So, what did you get your Mother-in-law for Christmas?”

“We got her an all-day session at a paint ball park.  They had them on special at the mall.”

I guess you can’t blame retailers from trying to make the most of the holiday season.  They say that a large part of their annual revenues come during the Christmas shopping period.  But sometimes you think that they are trying too hard.  Every year you hear the same story that Christmas is a “success” only if sales exceed last year’s. 

For the poor consumer/Christmas shopper, this leads to a sense of panic that they are not doing their best in the cause of that “successful” Christmas.  They become desperate to find even more unique gifts, hence decks, shag carpets and paint ball sessions.  One of my favourite Christmas ornaments shows a harried shopper with the caption “Spirit of Christmas stress”.  It just seems to capture what has become the spirit of Christmas.  So, you Christmas shoppers get out there and see what outlandish gifts you can find for your loved ones this year.


We Don’t Talk About That


They say that in polite company, you don’t talk about politics or religion.  Well, I’ve already talked about politics in this blog site, so I guess it’s time to talk about religion.

Let’s start by acknowledging that I consider myself a religious man, a Protestant Christian in fact.  The fact that I don’t attend any church has more to do with my issues with organized churches than any lack of religious conviction.  I read quite a lot about religion, both its chronological and spiritual history.  I read about religions other than Christianity; primarily Judaism and Islam, and the relationship between the three. I also read what the skeptics say as well; those who claim there is no God, or God is dead or, as Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.”  None of that has shaken my faith.  But you didn’t come here just to hear about me.  The previous bit was for background.

So, let’s concentrate on the three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The interesting thing about the three is that they all hark back to the same ancient Biblical person, Abraham.  To some degree, all three were built one upon the other, but Judaism is the most ancient and the first to espouse monotheism.  When Jesus arrived on the scene, Judaism and the Jewish state were in turmoil.  Internally, there was an ongoing struggle between two factions: the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  Think of them as the political parties and religious factions of the day, because they were both.  He who ruled the Temple ruled the population.  In addition, there was the cultural struggle between the Jewish culture and the growing influence of Hellenism, the Greek culture.  Throw on top of that the fact that the Jewish homeland was ruled by the Romans.  Jesus, I believe, saw his role as reforming Judaism, not starting a new religion.  Christianity grew out of the teachings of Paul who was trying to export the new teaching to the non-Jewish gentiles.  Similarly, Islam grew out of an attempt, largely successful, to integrate a part of the Middle East that was still full of small monotheistic and pantheistic groups, what we might refer to as cults. 

The Jews, as with many communities in those days, were ruled as a Theocracy.  The church was the state and the state was the church. Laws were only considered legitimate if they were issued by or with the endorsement of the church. This might seem at odds with my statement above that Rome ruled the Jewish homeland, but it is the difference in ruling the land and ruling the people. Rome ruled the land.  The Jewish leadership ruled on the day to day activities of the Jewish people, wherever they may be.  Hence, many different dos and don’ts were captured in church (and hence state) law: dietary restrictions; dress codes; laws controlling social interaction; and laws controlling interaction with other peoples.  This theocratic legal system was passed on to early Christians in the Roman Empire because this was, to some degree, what they were used to. Roman rule by this time was based on the concept that the Emperor was a deity. The result was that a lot of things have come down to us as “God’s will” that have nothing to do with religious spiritualism. Pure religion is the quest for the spiritual not the temporal. This is true to some degree or another for all three religions.  It was this tension between the temporal and the religious that prompted Jesus’ admonition to “give unto Caesar that which is Caesars and give unto God that which is God’s”.  It was the first statement of the separation of church and state.

Religion has been blamed for a lot of things: abuse; wars; terrorism; misogyny; even slavery, to name just a few.  And yet nothing in the basic teachings of any of these religions sanctions such things.  It is all caused by misunderstanding or purposeful misreading of these teachings. Religion, or the perceived threat to “your” religion, is one of the most powerful motivations to get ordinary people riled up enough to go to war, or to carry out unspeakable acts.  It is not usually religion that causes these wars, it is the will of the powerful to protect or enhance their power. Ethnicity, religion and loot are the three great motivators for the people.  But the promise of loot can only go so far, for once people have it they no longer want to fight, but now want to enjoy it.  This leaves the other two motivators which are quite often intermingled since ethnicity and religion usually go together. 

Religion does not usually get recognition for the good things it accomplishes.  Its teaching of equality enhanced the idea of democracy.  Its teaching of community and compassion brought forth charity and help for the less fortunate.  Its teachings about respect (a word I prefer to “love” as it is used in the Bible.  In the lexicon of today, respect one another is probably more meaningful than love one another) brought forth the ideas about the worth of others, even enemies. Christianity, as it was first conceived, was a very socialistic message.  It is therefore strange to hear so-called Christian right-wing conservatives try to use the Bible to foster individual wealth and individuality.  These were the very traits that Judaism and Christianity preached against.

God, by whatever name, is often accused by individuals of allowing heinous acts.  Why would God allow earthquakes or floods, pestilence or massacres?  How is God going to solve our problems?  But that is not God’s role.  What our religion, our spirituality, does is show us how to rise above these tragedies; how to fix the problem ourselves; how to prevent the heinous acts of others.  Spirituality gives us the strength to persevere, to act wisely and compassionately, and to overcome our diversity. 

So during this period when we traditionally celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Eid, let’s try and remember what our religions really mean.  Let’s stop using them as excuses for temporal acts and start using them for the inner strength and compassion they were meant to achieve.

I hope that I have not shocked or upset anybody with this post.  It was not my purpose.  I just wanted to get us thinking about what religion really is or is meant to be during this season of religious celebration.


Thursday, 31 October 2024

Decision 2024


The US election is just a few days away. It is being billed as one of the most important in US history (although 1860 could be the more the most important being in essence a vote for civil war). It is my firm opinion that Donald Trump will be the next President of the US.  Oh, he may not win the popular vote. He may not even win the Electoral College (that ridiculous hang over from the days when the states tried to determine who they would accept as president). He will win it through the courts, or failing that, through insurrection.

It would not be out of character for he and his followers to follow that path. Quite a number of his followers are members of the NRA and of militias. He has already claimed that he will use the US military against US citizens. But they will not wait until January 6th to begin this operation. It will begin as soon as Kamala Harris has been declared the winner by the television networks a few hours or days after the voting ends.

Could I be wrong.  I hope so. Maybe Mr. Trump will win the presidency honestly and fairly.  It is a very close race the polls keep telling us. In that case, he will declare at the voting system is without fault. Will he then say that the 2020 election was fair and honest?  No likely.

If he does win the election, will that be the end of it? Again, not likely. He will try to use all of his executive powers to bend the country to his will. He will be successful in this if his party captures the two houses of congress. If they do not, it will undoubtedly lead to grid lock and government by presidential decree. 

Maybe Donald Trump is the poster boy for the idea that business executives should never be national leaders.  Business demands quick answers, profit, market share, the primacy of the shareholders, and the ability to make rule changes by decree (or memo if you prefer). I’m sure you have heard the plea that government should be run more like a business.  But government is not a business. It operates under vastly different dynamics than business.  Perhaps the best description of government is that it is the art of the possible. In a democracy, it needs consensus, the will of the people and compromise. A successful leader leads, not demands. He is in it for the good of the country in all its diversity, not just ‘shareholders’.  A political leader must achieve the possible. Shareholders don’t change governments, citizens do. It is failure to understand these things that makes Mr. Trump a bad choice to run a country.

Friday, 11 October 2024

Bombast Politics


Did you ever wonder why Donald Trump says something outrageous almost every day? Whether it’s at one of his rallies or at a news conference or interview, he will have something to say that stretches credulity or decorum. As long as there is a reporter, or better still, a news camera around, there he’ll be spouting his lies or exaggerations.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell

He does it because it ensures that he will be in the news the next day, preferably as the lead story. “At his rally last night, Donald Trump said . . .” He does it to drown out his opponent. He does it on purpose.

I call it bombast politics.  Being as bombastic, outrageous or loud as you can so you, and nobody else, gets heard. It is a style that Mr. Trump has mastered.  As someone once said, “Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.”

“No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately.”
Michel de Montaigne

Unfortunately, we are seeing this same phenomenon of bombast politics being played out in Canada. In this case by Pierre Poilievre. The venues may be different, but the effect is the same.  In his case, it’s in the House of Commons, where he dominates Question Period, or in the inevitable news conference.  Remember when he would not attend any news conferences? Slam you opponent, call the government side any number of names, exaggerate the condition of the country. You know that there are reporters around and that CSPAN is always videoing your encounters. Better yet, get yourself silenced for a day, or even ejected from the chamber.  You know right away that you will the headline in the news cycle. Bombast politics.

Bombast politics does nothing to advance the business of the government. It presents no substantive ideas. It does not include any ideas on how to make things better. Does it not bother you that neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Poilievre have given us anything but vague promises about how they would do something different to address their perceived problems?  Bombast works; plans can come back to haunt you.

“It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem.”

  - Malcolm Forbes

Let’s silence bombast politics by not supporting it nor giving it anything but disdain.

Thursday, 25 January 2024



Recently, I watched the 1976 movie, Network.  It is quite a classic.  It stars Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch, and Robert Duval. What got me thinking was the on-air exhortation by Peter Finch’s character, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” This was said during a news broadcast on a fictional television network.  He demands that people open their windows and shout that statement for the world to hear.  And apparently millions did.

Maybe it is time for us all to open our windows and yell, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

Most of us, I believe, are what would be called middle of the road and pragmatic. It is not a bad place to be. We are reasonable people who do not adhere to any of the fringes in life.  But we are not being heard.  The extremists have silenced us.  But I say, it is time for us to “not take it anymore”.

So, let’s speak out:

-          To silence the extremists at both ends of the political, economic, and social spectrum.  Their voices are not our voices.

-          Against those who try to tell us what a horrible country Canada is. Canada is a wonderful place, one of the best democracies in the world and a country that is not afraid to acknowledge mistakes it has made.  How many other countries do you know that have undergone a truth and reconciliation process?

-          Against those who would, or threaten to, break the country apart.  Are you listening provincial governments?

-          Against those political leaders who would, and have, infringed on our rights.  The notwithstanding clause is being used for just that purpose. It can be used to take away all of our Charter rights.  It has to go.

-          Against those who spread misinformation and conspiracy theories. Be skeptical about these sorts of things and correct them when you can.

-          Against negativity of any sort. Negativity brings inaction which leads nowhere.

-          Against bias and discrimination of all types. Remember:

o   Most Muslims are not terrorists;

o   Jews do not control the world’s banks, nor do they carry out strange rituals;

o   Most African-Canadians are not criminals;

o   Asians did not cause SARS or COVID 19, it just happened to originate from there;

o   Most Indigenous people are not slovenly lay-abouts, but residential schools did do great damage to their society;

o   People of other political stripes are not the enemy;

o   Immigrants are not the problem.  The state of our country has caused most of the issues they are accused of;

o   Poor people did not choose to be that way; but

o   Most murders in Canada are perpetrated by white Christians so don’t be smug about your whiteness.

Respect of others goes a long way to heal rifts.

Each of us can reach out to others and in our own, hopefully respectful way, get the message across that we are in fact mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.