Monday 4 December 2017

Some Recent Observations

A question was recently asked about why discourse, particularly on social media, was becoming progressively angrier. Many ideas were put forward, but I would like to suggest another one . . . demographics.  More people are reaching their senior years, they are retiring and they know how to use a computer and smart phone.  They bring with them the anger, disappointment and prejudices of many years, and now they have an opportunity to vent those feelings on the world.  They also bring a social conservatism and nostalgia for the past.  And they have enough voices to silence those with a more optimistic and liberal outlook.  Just watch how many times phrases such as “liberal elite” and “sheeples” show up.
I’m no longer comfortable even shaking hands with a woman any more.  The extent of actions and words that can now be construed as sexual harassment has become very fuzzy in the last few months.  Anyone with an eye or an ear knows that sexual innuendo, harassment and assaults have been around for a long time.  So why did the dam burst only when Harvey Weinstein’s accusers came forward?  Some of the allegations against him and many other prominent men go back years.  Why were they not identified years ago when the assaults and exhibitionism were taking place?  Even Bill Cosby’s misdeeds did not unleash this level of disclosures.
While we are on the topic of sexual misconduct, this seems to be the only type of activity that brands a person as guilty unless proven innocent.  One or two allegations come to the fore and the alleged perpetrator is immediately fired, demeaned and assumed to be guilty with no opportunity to have the matter adjudicated in any forum but the press.  It also leaves open the question of what reasonably can be considered sexual misconduct.  If Bill Cosby is found guilty in court of multiple examples of sexual misconduct, it will be obvious what constitutes serious cases and a crime.  Note that Bill Cosby is the only alleged sexual predator whose case is before the courts.  But what about the other end of the spectrum, assuming that a spectrum of activities is allowed?  As an example let’s take the case of Garrison Keillor who was fired despite the fact that his only apparent action involved touching a woman’s back while trying to console her. And who can forget the case of the Canadian MP a few years ago who was invited into the hotel room of a female MP from another party, was given a condom and was then accused of having uninvited sex.  Is this and even more innocent acts to be taken as the new norm of sexual misconduct?  Is it any wonder that some men, like me, now find it uncomfortable to be around any woman who is not their wife?  Having a wife, daughter, daughters in law and female grandchildren, I certainly do not condone any sort of sexual assault or harassment.  But I do think that men who are accused of such activities deserve the opportunity to have their cases properly heard and adjudicated.
Is it scary to think that the fate of the world is in the hands of four world leaders?  This is, of course, not the first time that a few presidents and potentates have held such power, but it may be the first time that none of them have been rational.
I see that Mr. Trump has got a massive tax cut through both houses of Congress.  The major cuts will benefit the rich and big corporations on the premise that goodies will be passed down through the food chain to the average American.  But trickle-down economics did not work for Presidents Reagan, Bush senior or Bush junior and it will not work for Mr. Trump.  Each time it has been tried, the gap between rich and poor has only gotten greater.
The views expressed in this and other blogs are solely my own, but I welcome feedback, criticism or debate on any of them.  jgf

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