Wednesday 13 January 2021

Dick Pound and the Vaccine


Dick Pound is a Canadian who is currently the longest serving member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).  Last week he stated that Olympic athletes should get priority for the COVID-19 vaccine.  This would presumably be every athlete who has been selected or hopes to be selected to compete in this summer’s games in Tokyo.  This so that the games could go on and entertain the many millions of people who are waiting at home to watch these games.  After all, why waste that vaccine on old people who are just going to die in the next few years, many from Covid-19?  Why waste the vaccine on ordinary people who’s only role is to watch and extol these athletes?

If this is, in fact the premise, why stop at Olympic athletes?  Don’t professional sports teams also entertain folks stuck at home?  It was reported late last year that at least one sports league had tried to buy enough vaccine doses to vaccinate all of its players.  So, all sports league players, coaches and staff should also get priority.  Celebrities also entertain us so they, as well as all actors, directors, producers, should also be on that priority list.  I mean life would not be worth much if we could not watch the Kardashians every week. Politicians are also a source of entertainment so all of them should be included.  At least they will remain healthy enough to keep telling us to stay home.

It is called privilege and it is all about us.  None of the people I have mentioned would deny that they should be “saved” by getting the vaccine.  Of course, it is us ordinary, stay at home, trying to stay safe, trying to make ends meet folks who have contributed to their privilege.  We extol their abilities or their beauty. We bathe in their glory.  We do everything we can to make them feel special.  We put up with their shenanigans and their bad behaviour.  We have made them special, so they think they are entitled to special treatment like being in the priority line for things like vaccine. 

1 comment:

  1. Right on Gord. Privilege and entitlement, handmaidens all! Solution. an analogy. The ranks eat first, officers eat last. Unless the fare is suspect, e.g., poisoned, spoiled, then one among the officers eats first. Having each others backs. AN.
