Friday 10 April 2020

A Holy Season

Two of the world’s major religions are celebrating special events this weekend.  There are undoubtedly other faiths that also have spring festivals to celebrate the end of winter.

For those of the Jewish faith it is Passover, the celebration of their survival during a scourge among their Egyptian masters.  This led to their escape from Egypt under a leader named Moses and their eventual establishment of their homeland, Israel.

For Christians, it is the death (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter Sunday) of Jesus, an itinerant preacher whose teaching had upset the Jewish authorities.  A few days before this day, He had been greeted warmly by lots of Jews as he entered Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) for the Passover celebration, only to be betrayed a few days later by these same people.

As we endure the isolation of the current pandemic, we should think about Jesus and the fact that He had to undertake all of today’s events alone.  He had been arrested and jailed the night before all alone.  His disciples had gone into hiding, afraid for their own safety.  His own Jewish people demanded his execution.  He underwent mockery and torture by his Roman guards.  After a trial before the Roman governor who found no fault with Him, He was turned back to the Jewish authorities for a verdict. They decided He must be crucified, a verdict that was carried out that very day by the Romans.  He went to his execution, carrying his cross, alone.  He was crucified alone. Our isolation seems quite small when you consider all this.

So, as you are missing the traditional family and group dinners, the camaraderie and visits usually associated with this weekend, think of the loneliness of Jesus and be thankful.

To all of those who celebrate, for whatever reason this time of year, I wish all of you the very best.  Please protect yourself and others and stay positive.

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